BSS Hire Boat Requirements 2017 Training Course Overview

Course title:

BSS Hire Boat Requirements 2017 Training Course

Course providers partnership:

The course is provided by the BSS

The course cost:

The attended training event is provided at a cost to examiners of £135 + VAT


Invoicing will take place after the courses have been delivered.

Course aims and objectives:

The course aim is that you will be able to apply the revised BSS hire boat checks from 1 April, in a consistent manner.

The course objectives are in the context of a review of hirer safety and the identification of amended BSS risk controls for hire boats.

On completion of the course programme:

  1. You will know what hire boats are.
  2. You will have a good understanding of why BSS hire boat requirements can be different to BSS private boat requirements and understand that from 1 April 2017 you will be applying the BSS Examination Checking Procedures for privately owned and managed vessels to all hire boats, but that all Checks will be applied on a mandatory basis; i.e. there will be no advice Checks.
  3. You will have a good general understanding of the 16 additional Checks unique to hire boats; including, the Checking actions, the Requirements that must be met for a pass, and any ‘Applicabilities’ and/or information for hire operators for each Check.
  4. You will be clear where to find further reference material or achieve technical support. 

What sort of approach will be taken?

The course has been developed as part Pre-learning, part attended training and part Post-learning Assessment.

The Pre-learning should be completed in advance of the start of the attended course.

The one-day course is participative and your tutor will use a range of methods including PowerPoint presentation, discussions, practical demonstrations, including on provided hire boats.

After you have attended the attended training day you will need to complete and pass an assessment by answering correctly a series of multiple choice questions and by inserting free text into text boxes online.

Note that you will not be authorised to carry out hire boat BSS examinations after April 2017 until you have successfully completed this Post-learning Assessment.

Do I have to read anything?

At the time of the Pre-learning it will be necessary to read through the provided reference material including:

a) a short introductory paper about i) how hire boats are defined, ii) why hire boats are subject to differing BSS requirements, iii) how the new/amended BSS requirements were arrived and iv) coverage as to how the private boat requirements are to be applied to hire boats; and,

b) an introduction to the hire boat Examination Checking Procedures concerning the new and amended BSS hire boat checks - a document setting out the 16 new hire boat checks is available here document or 90x90

A document setting out the additional information supporting the checking process for slip-resistant surfaces is available here document or 90x90

You should re-visit the private boat Examination Checking Procedures, in particular concerning the ‘advice’ checks; all of which will be applied on a mandatory basis for hire boats. 

At the time of the Post-learning Assessment you will need to refer to the same reference material.

Course certificates:

Examiners attending the attended learning day and passing the Post-learning Assessment will receive a ‘certificate’ from the BSS Office outlining the course title and pass status.

What if the assessment is not passed?

Passing the Post-learning Assessment before the end of March 2017 is a condition of BSS Examiners ability to carry out hire boat examinations and issue BSS certifications to hire boats from 1 April 2017.

Anyone still needing to pass an assessment after April 1 2017 will not be able to examiner hire boats or issue hire boat BSS certifications.

What the course isn't!

The course will not qualify Examiners to examine the other classes of non-private boats such as tenanted boats, hotel boats and workboats.

These classes will continue to be assessed using the 2002 BSS Standards and only those examiners who have undertaken training and assessment to the 2002 requirements will be qualified to examine them.

The course will not qualify non-Gas Safe Registered BSS Examiners to undertake LPG tightness testing on hire boats using a manometer. See this link for more information.

Where is the course happening?

See the venue selection here.

Training T&Cs:

These can be found here