Desktop Assessments: Programme

The criteria for each Desktop Assessment shall be set out by your consultant Quality Assurance Assessor in an initial email. This will identify three boats you’ve examined within the previous twelve months (although this time scale may vary depending on how many Examinations you have undertaken).

For each of the three boats you will be asked to provide the Assessor with copies of the following:

  • The Boat Details and Boat Status (as Section 1 of the BSS Examination Record Form)
  • The checklist(s) used (as Section 2 of the BSS Examination Record Form)
  • The Appliance, Ventilation and Portable Fire Extinguisher information (as Section 3 of the BSS Examination Record Form)
  • Any Warning Notices issued.
  • If applicable, a Customer Report Form (or any other means of communicating faults to the customer (other than a Database generated BSSER))
  • Any additional field notes or other significant information you may have collected during your Examination(s) that you feel may be relevant to this assessment.

The above documentation must be sent within 14 days of the date of the initial email, which you should do electronically (e.g. by email) or alternatively by post.

Once the Assessor has viewed the documents, they will arrange with you, either by phone or email, a date and time for a feedback meeting.

During the feedback meeting, the Assessor will talk you through their findings, they may also ask you to provide more detail on the three boats boats/Examinations.

The Assessor will send their report to the BSS Office Team who will aim to send the final report to you within 14 days. 

While it is not part of the assessment, the process is also an opportunity for you to provide feedback. As such, please raise with the Assessor any queries, concerns or other matters you would like to air and get feedback on if you wish. You can raise any subject matter you like. It can be about your own knowledge or skills, or it can be about more general issues. Particularly welcome are constructive suggestions where you may have spotted a specific matter that the BSS Office Team improve upon that will positively impact the BSS and its Examiners.  If you raise any such discussion topics you will be asked whether you would like them to remain informal (just between you and the Assessor), or whether you are happy for them to be taken back to the BSS Office Team.

There is more information on 'Desktop Assessments: Essential Info'.  It is a series of questions and answers designed to explain the procedure as concisely and fully as possible. 

Hopefully it will give you all the information you need, but if you do have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to raise them.