Examiner Newsletters

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Dear Examiner,

To read the full versions of newsletters please click on the various links on this page. The 'Read' icon opens up a whole newsletter in pdf format. Alternatively, to read page by page, you can select a sub-section from the drop-down box above or click on the page number links below.

EXAMINER NEWS 24-002 (opens PDF newsletter) 03 Jun 2024

The topic covered in this newsletter are: -

  • Welcome to the new BSS, the safety initiative with a long heritage
  • BSS invoice correction
  • News about Grahams
  • Recruiting new team members
  • Raising Technical Queries (Cases)

Welcome to 2024-25 with BSS Limited

Firstly, thank you for registering with the new Boat Safety Scheme Limited. We describe ourselves as ‘…a public safety initiative run as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee’ and this harks back to the February 1995 memorandum of Understanding between the National Rivers Authority (now EA) and British Waterways (now the Trust) where the intended Scheme was required to ‘…operate financially on a breakeven basis.’

Next February, the BSS will be both one year old and 30 years old at the same time. There are a few stalwart BSS examiners who have been with us for most of that time, which is quite some achievement. Thank you to those long-stayers, as well as more recent joiners and everyone in-between, you are much appreciated.

Invoice correction this month

Regarding invoices and the need to operate on a breakeven basis, an audit this month revealed that we had not invoiced Examiners the correct amount for each BSS Certification report issued in April this year. This was due to human and technical error.

As per the information we gave you in March at the time of the 2024-25 registration announcement, we should have invoiced each BSSC issued at £60 plus VAT, when in fact the invoice showed a fee of £54.24 plus VAT and that was the rate for the last fiscal year.

However, it unfortunately means that there is some catching up to do, and we will add an additional £5.76 plus VAT for each of the April BSSCs you uploaded to the next invoice run, which is planned for the first week of June. Your invoice for May 2024 Certifications will show the additional figure as a clearly identified separate item.

We have made changes to prevent the recurrence. Also, so that we can be confident that the reporting system is correct, in the future, we will institute a triple check process before invoices are released to Examiners.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the mix up, it shouldn’t have happened, we hope the measures outlined ensure it doesn’t happen again. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

News of Two Grahams

Graham Watts - Returning to the theme of long service, Graham Watts, former BSS Manager and latterly part-time BSS Support Executive, who was seconded by the National Rivers Authority in 1996 to help the BSS, has now retired from the Scheme.

He participated in a comprehensive review of the Scheme in 2001;  steered the BSS through wholesale change in the BSS Requirements for private boats in 2005;  helped bring about the British Standard CoP for installing solid fuel stoves in boats in 2010;  took the BSS through a review, consultation and implementation of new BSS Requirements for Hire Boats in 2015-17;  and the same for carbon monoxide alarms for all classes of boats in 2019. We wish him a long and happy retirement.

Graham Forbes – Graham joined the Scheme as Business and Technical manager in 2019 from the world of naval ships and he has left us this week to re-join that world. He brought great insight to the Scheme.

He helped two chairs of the BSS Technical Committee take the Scheme through a complete overhaul of the core BSS Examination Checking Procedures, as well as overseeing adjustments to the Hire Boat Requirements ECPs. He also carefully curated the embryonic Risk Register to become a fully-fledged and highly valuable tool central to the BSS Risk Management Process, which is at the heart of the Scheme’s work. We wish him every success for the future.

New Recruitment

With the help of the Canal & River Trust, we have started some recruitment processes. We already have advertised an opportunity to join the BSS in the role of BSS Quality and Technical Manager. We are looking for a chartered engineer or equivalent to take on the role that includes project management, safety partner relationships, quality assurance and risk auditing.

If you know anyone who would be interested in this demanding but rewarding role based at home or a Trust hub with UK travel, please steer them to the job id 2024-7646 on the Canal & River Trust website https://careers-canalrivertrust.icims.com/jobs/7646/marine-engineering-quality-%26-technical%c2%a0manager/job

Stay tuned for more news for a replacement for Dave Washer who retired at the end of March, the new technical role will be advertised shortly.

And to help our aspirations to meet the many communications challenges we have in promoting public safety, helping boat owners to understand the BSS Requirements, and to improve our communications with you and all Examiners, we will also be advertising for a new communications officer.

We will advise you when these two vacancies go live. You may know people ideal for these roles.

Raising Technical Queries (Cases)

While the recruitment process is ongoing, the QAA consultants David and Justin will be answering your technical queries.

You can raise cases in the following ways

How to help us to help you

If it is regarding a check – mention in your email, phone call or web-form

  • the Check Item reference number e.g. 8.10.2A or X10.1.2R
  • the ECP type e.g. private boat / HBR / N-PBR
  • the boat name and BSS ref number (or Index Number, or Registration Number)

  • the equipment make and model (where relevant)
  • any exiting reference number eg BSSER / Case number CA-000….. / HBN number / PIP task / DtA etc

We will not be able to give you live technical support, or instantaneous decisions, but the David and Justin are prioritising this work and answers will be provided as soon as we are able to.

Best regards and keep safe,

Kevin Tyson, BSS Manager





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EXAMINER NEWS 24-001 (opens PDF newsletter) 08 Mar 2024

The topic covered in this newsletter are: -

  • BSS governance re-alignment
  • Examiner Registration and Authorisation subjects – smoother application tips
  • News about Daves

EXAMINER NEWS 23-002 (opens PDF newsletter) 22 Dec 2023

The topic covered in this newsletter are: -

  • Thank you BSS Examiners and the BSS committee members
  • Christmas closing and cover
  • Be alert to unbranded CO alarms
  • Instantaneous water heater survey
  • Lithium-ion battery safety initiative 2024

EXAMINER NEWS 22-003 (opens PDF newsletter) 16 August 2022

  • BSS committees,
  • Your say
  • The consultation on changes to some BSS Requirements
  • The publication of Controlled (final) versions of the ECP manuals
  • Corrections to three Appendices, stationery bulk order
  • Hire Boat examination training
  • Phoning us and helping us to help you better
  • New desk top assessment support.

EXAMINER NEWS 22-002 (opens PDF newsletter) 13 Apr 2022

  • News briefs
  • Revised ECPs, some aspects under consultation & the implications
  • COVID-19 rule changes
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EXAMINER NEWS 22-001 (opens PDF newsletter) 2 Mar 2022

  • COVID-19 rule changes
  • The new online Appliance Data Tool
  • Examiner Registration and Authorisation subjects – smoother application tips

EXAMINER NEWS 21-007 (opens PDF newsletter) 24 Dec 2022

This edition contains news of: - the latest COVID-19 advice; announcing a new appliance information joint initiative (c/w a mystery appliances attachment), two new members of the BSS Office Team, an interim BSS Technical Briefing on diesel fuelled appliances (see two attachments), 2021 round-up and look forward to 2022

EXAMINER NEWS 21-006 (opens PDF newsletter) 14 Sep 2021

In this edition we introduced the new interim core Examination Checking Procedures (Private Boat and associated Hire Boat Requirements) including the associated training and support measures

EXAMINER NEWS 21-005 (opens PDF newsletter) 15 Jul 2021

In this edition we published an update concerning the Examiner Online Training Programme.

EXAMINER NEWS 21-004 (opens PDF newsletter) 09 Jul 2021

In this edition we clarified some points regarding the online training modules

EXAMINER NEWS 21-003 (opens PDF newsletter) 29 Jun 2021

 16-Month Online Training Programme Special Edition with an update on the announcement in March about an extensive online training programme. The programme will start this week and the completion date has been extended by agreement to September 2022 (from 12 months to 16 months). It is confirmed as

EXAMINER NEWS 21-002 (opens PDF newsletter) 24 Mar 2021

In this edition we have the latest COVID-19 advice, Phil is retiring, coming up in 2021-22 Re-registration preparation.

EXAMINER NEWS 21-001 (opens PDF newsletter) 13 Feb 2021

Examiners’ Survey thanks to volunteers; A reminder to follow the End-to-End examination process; LPG tightness-test lock-up values and regulator hazards; Annual registration fee increase £170; Successful start to new Examiner Training Programme; Search for BSS Champions and a BSS Assessor; Toilets and non-specific issues; Smoke Alarm Survey starting soon

EXAMINER NEWS 20-011 (opens PDF newsletter) 24 Dec 2020

COVID-19 New tier, new restrictions for some. BSS Management Committee message of appreciation; BSS Manager message of Appreciation, Coming up in 2021 - BSS Examiner Community coming soon, propane lock-up value, butane lock-up value, time to lock-up, and a new field related to LPG regulators, later - smoke alarm survey

EXAMINER NEWS 20-010 (opens PDF newsletter) 03 Nov 2020

In this edition we have five topics starting with the information that broke over the weekend about a the COVID-19 related lockdown news from Westminster. We also cover LPG Upgrade Course Training feedback as well as LPG core knowledge competence for those examiners who did not attend LPG Upgrade training and assessment.

We also introduce our new BSS Business & Technical Manager Graham Forbes who joined us at the end of September.

Finally, we wave goodbye to Conga and welcome Weaver as the report generator tool on the BSS Community database.

EXAMINER NEWS 20-009 (opens PDF newsletter) 19 Oct 2020

Desk Top Assessment support about to start

EXAMINER NEWS 20-008 (opens PDF newsletter) 31 July 2020

BSS Examination Suspension ends 31 July

EXAMINER NEWS 20-007 (opens PDF newsletter) 22 May 2020

COVID-19 Updates and Insurance reminder

EXAMINER NEWS 20-006  (opens PDF newsletter) 12 May 2020

EXAMINER NEWS 20-005  (opens PDF newsletter) 07 May 2020

COVID-19 - suspension stays in place, but change is being planned

EXAMINER NEWS 20-004  (opens PDF newsletter) 20 April 2020

EXAMINER NEWS 20-003 (opens PDF newsletter) 9 April 2020

BSS Examination suspension extended to 30 April

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EXAMINER NEWS 20-002  (opens PDF newsletter) 27 March 2020

BSS examinations suspended to 14 April due to COVID-19 lockdown; likewise Examiner registration extended to 30 Apr

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EXAMINER NEWS 20-001  (opens PDF newsletter) 19 Mar 2020

Interim COVID-19; the LPG Update Training course; BSS Certification Cost From 1 April 2020; Examiner suspended for not having insurance cover; BSS Examiner annual registration fee; BSS Examiner Annual Registration; Changes to the procedure used to investigate formal Examiner complaints; Database link reminder.

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EXAMINER NEWS 19-005  (opens PDF newsletter) 06 Aug 2019

the LPG Update Training course, PCT LPG pipework, the acceptability of all FireAngel CO alarms, yet another fraud investigation – we restate the importance of ensuring accurate boat details on the BSS Database, BSS Business and Technical Manager Simon Vayro is leaving.

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EXAMINER NEWS 19-004  (opens PDF newsletter) 31 May 2019

With reminders and updates to keep youselves safe from harm and out of court. Covers, allegations that a small minority of Examiners are making up some rules; LPG training course update; a potential risk caused by over-filled LPG cylinders; a new acceptable CO alarm certification mark (with some important caveats)

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EXAMINER NEWS 19-003  (opens PDF newsletter) 28 April 2019

Covers the recent online course and we update you about the planned LPG Update Training; initial findings from your examinations to the new CO alarm check; the guidance concerning boats having decommissioned systems; the need to have insurance in place and to co-operate with the audit; news that IE 9 and 10 browsers are no longer supported by Salesforce.

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EXAMINER NEWS 19-002  (opens PDF newsletter) 28 February 2019

Covers the annual registration process and prepares you to take control to ensure a smooth registration process for 2019-20. For those Examiners with insurances arranged through Michael Hall Associates Limited (MHA) there is some important news below.

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EXAMINER NEWS 19-001 (opens PDF newsletter) 13 Feb 2018

Confirmation of the BSS Management Committee decision to implement the BSS CO alarm requirements from April and outlines what happens next. There are BSS staff changes in the pipeline with two vacancies. We also ask you to prepare for BSS Examiner Re-registration. There’s an update on the Examiner Survey findings and have two training topics, the LPG course and we ask if any examiners are interested in a Hire Boat Requirements upgrade? Finally, we seek your help with sourcing any ‘black museum’ outboard fuel system components we could use.

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-008 (opens PDF newsletter) 12 Dec 2018

This contains a brief update concerning the planned LPG update course and proposed CO alarm requirements training. We also encourage you to update Salesforce with any changes to your membership of organisations and we set out the usual arrangements for the Christmas period shut-down.


EXAMINER NEWS 18-007  (opens PDF newsletter) 20 Sep 2018

Richard's of Morale Solutions report directly on the BSS Examiner Survey 2018 results in this edition of BSS Examiner News. We set out the next steps as a follow-up. There's two brief advice articles, useful for examiners interested in doing a great job – especially if they get stuck for words. Last call for examiners interested in gaining 2002 authorisation.

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-006  (opens PDF newsletter) 17 Aug 2018

We alert you to the public consultation on proposals to introduce new mandatory BSS Requirements for CO alarms on boats. What you know about old portable fire extinguishers on boats that pre-date fire ratings, and quick update on the BSS Examiner Survey 2018

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-005  (opens PDF newsletter) 2 July 2018

We have a reminder of the examiner survey, the need to protect yourself by completing boat details, update Conditions of registration, early invoice run, would you be a guru?

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-004 (opens PDF newsletter) 16 May 2018

We have news of an examiner survey and we clarify that examiners must not mis-represent the BSS position on bubble testers, not should they undertake work on boats in scope of the Gas Safety [Installation and Use] Regulations.

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-003  (opens PDF newsletter) 27 Feb. 2018

This edition of BSS Examiner  news covers the annual registration process and prepares you to take control to ensure a smooth registration process for 2018-19.

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EXAMINER NEWS 18-002  (opens PDF newsletter) 13 Feb. 2018

This examiner news had a theme of self-protection, but starts with a request for new ID photos from those examiners wanting to change next year as well as a request for anyone intending to retire to let the BSS Manager know. The self-protection measures include completing boat details to avoid fraud by boat onwners. There is advice on ensuring your authorisation covers the correct BSS Examination Checking Procedures and th eprocess to help avoid potential law breaking under UK gas safety legislation. Finally it covers the advantages of co-operating with investigation cases and sets out the problems when this does not happen
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EXAMINER NEWS 18-001  (opens PDF newsletter) 22 Jan. 2018

 In this edition of BSS Examiner News we cover the new agreed four-year business plan with the implications of the BSS Certifcations and annual registration fees rise and benefits you should look forward to resulting from an investment programme. We also ask have you ever encountered a water tank filling hose in a gas locker like pictured?


EXAMINER NEWS 17-005  (opens PDF newsletter) 13 Dec. 2017

In this edition of BSS Examiner News, we cover the replacement of Andrea Burrow and successor to Phil who is on his retirement path. We have important advice about the application of BSS requirements to shared-ownership boats. Why are you insured – we have a multi thousand-pound lesson that explains why. We ask you about LPG fuelled generators – what have you seen? So, what does GSIUR mean? The latest on LPG Update training. Why you should ignore some new fields on the Examination Report page, but be interested in why they are there! Christmas pressy suggestions for yourself – or leave a hint. The December invoices will be moved to next year – hurrah – but it will be early January. Finally, we have the Xmas break office closure and out-of-hours contact details.

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EXAMINER NEWS 17-004  (opens PDF newsletter) 10 Aug. 2017

This newsletter covers an appeal for information concerning LPG regulator failures, we run the first of a series of articles about BSS Examiner insurance; the lessons from another report on a fatal CO incident; updates on the bulk delivery of BSS Examination documentation; the planned LPG update course; new information about a range of compliant fuel hoses and mythbusting the concept of 'pre-examination'; business and technical manager update.


EXAMINER NEWS 17-003  (opens PDF newsletter) 22 Jun. 2017

Staff changes at BSS Office; insurance audit process; flagging up a forthcoming examiner survey and forthcoming data protection training; why it's critical to keep your tech up to spec; flagging up bulk distribution of forms and pads; copy certifcate provision; David Fuller's charity row for Parkinsons Disease research.

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EXAMINER NEWS 17-002 7 Apr. 2017

The revised BSS Examiner Conditions of Registration and associated news of amended examiner CoR guidance. A modified complaints investigation procedure. The introduction of the new and amended BSS Hire Boat Requirements and the retention of the 2002 BSS Standards for other non-private boats. We repeat warnings not to break Gas Safety law. 

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EXAMINER NEWS 17-001 27 Feb. 2017

There is only one subject - Examiner registration for 2017-18

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EXAMINER NEWS 16-005 10 Dec. 2016

Do you want to examine hire craft next year, act now to express your interest. New Eberspächer arrangements. A new standard in LPG cooker connection hose assemblies to BS EN 14800. A special briefing on Freeman boats. There are two ‘self-protection’ items for examiners, one on the disease, leptospirosis. The other reinforces the implications of the UK gas legislation especially for non-Gas Safe registered examiners regarding gas tightness testing. BSS stalwart Brian Hayes retires. Christmas shopping for examiner apparel. BSS office Xmas arrangements.


EXAMINER NEWS 16-004 07 Oct. 2016

Hire boat requirements and LPG training; another CO tragedy; Kabola heating appliance fuel hoses;  fraudulent certificates; a review of the BSS Examiner Conditions of Registration; guidance on commercial catering LPG installation; guidance to customers must be accurate:


EXAMINER NEWS 16-003 22 Apr. 2016

This is the second of two important Examiner Newsletters within a week. You've had the 2016/17 registration preparatory details, so this second newsletter concentrates on examiner operational matters and reporting guidance. The list of headline topics is set out below:


BSS Examiner news archive (older than current year)



changes to the procedure used to investigate formal Examiner complaints