Introduction to the PRIVATE boat ECPs

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Which Examination checking procedures?

The first question to ask your customer - which Certification i.e. which set of BSS Requirements is the navigation authority asking for your boat to comply with; Private Boat, Hire Boat Requirements (2017) or Non-Private Boat Requirements (2002)?

Neither Examiners nor the BSS Office can stipulate which boat has what Examination, only the navigation authority can state what set of requirement it wish to support that boats registration/licence/mooring permission application.

Private Boat (aka Core) Examination Checking Procedures

The 2021 Examination Checking Procedures (ECPs) detail the methods by which the Boat Safety Scheme and its owners, the Navigation Authorities, require examinations to be performed on privately owned and privately managed vessels.

BSS ECP Core - Ed 5.0 Oct23
BSS ECP Core Appendices - Ed 5.0 Oct23 
NOTE: Current guidance on the BSS examination documentation